Wednesday, October 17, 2007


You're not the type to buy life insurance.So,to prove that person wrong,he went ahead and bought.

Are there certain types who buy and others who don't?

Yes.Those who don't buy fall into a few broad categories:

1) There are those who feel that they don't wish to leave behind a rich widow.Alternatively,they do not wish to leave behind "too much money" for their children so as not to "spoil" them.

2) There are those who feel that once they're dead they no longer have any responsibility for their family.

3) There are those who feel they are not likely to die soon so they would wait till they're much older when their chances have increased before thinking about getting life insurance.

4) There are those who like to compare policies and prices and never get around to buying.

Those who do buy usually have a strong sense of doing "the right thing" and wanting to do something good while they can."You cannot do a kindness too soon,for you never know how soon it will be too late."

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